Leopard Lily (Lilium pardalinum)


Nature's Spotted Beauty

Native Plants

Where does it like to grow? Leopard Lily, scientifically known as Lilium pardalinum, is a striking native plant that thrives in the diverse landscapes of North Carolina. You'll often find it gracing the edges of woodlands, meadows, and even along stream banks, adding a touch of wild elegance to its surroundings.

What plants does it like to grow with? Leopard Lily is a sociable wildflower that often mingles seamlessly with other native plants and grasses. It forms captivating companionships with species like Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica), Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis), and Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), creating a tapestry of colors and textures in your garden.

What pollinator species are attracted to it? The distinctive, spotted blossoms of Leopard Lily are a true delight for pollinators, particularly butterflies and hummingbirds. These winged wonders are irresistibly drawn to its nectar-rich blooms, contributing to the vibrancy of local ecosystems.

Is it a host plant for any moths or butterflies? While Leopard Lily primarily serves as a nectar source for adult butterflies and moths, it also provides a charming resting spot for various species, enriching the ecological harmony of your garden.

What color are its flowers? Leopard Lily graces your garden with its unique, vibrant orange to red-spotted flowers. These eye-catching blooms add a splash of color and intrigue to the natural landscape.

How tall does it get? Leopard Lily is a graceful perennial that typically reaches heights of 2 to 6 feet, depending on its growing conditions. Its towering presence and captivating flowers make it a stunning focal point in gardens and landscapes.

When does it bloom and for how long? Leopard Lily typically bursts into bloom in mid to late summer, generally from July to August. Its flowering period can extend for several weeks, ensuring an extended season of beauty and pollinator support.

What type of soil does it like? Leopard Lily thrives in well-drained, moist soils, making it particularly well-suited for gardens with good moisture retention. Ensuring the right soil conditions will help nurture its growth and striking characteristics.

How much sunlight or shade does it need? Leopard Lily is a sun-loving plant that thrives in full sun to partial shade. It performs best when it receives at least 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Leopard Lily (Lilium pardalinum) is nature's spotted beauty, a testament to the wild elegance of North Carolina's native flora. Whether you're an enthusiast of native plants or simply wish to add a touch of vibrant orange and red to your garden, Leopard Lily is a captivating choice. Its distinctive appearance, adaptability, and ability to attract pollinators make it an exceptional addition to gardens and landscapes, enriching both your outdoor space and your appreciation for the wonders of native biodiversity.

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Nature's Spotted Beauty

Native Plants

Where does it like to grow? Leopard Lily, scientifically known as Lilium pardalinum, is a striking native plant that thrives in the diverse landscapes of North Carolina. You'll often find it gracing the edges of woodlands, meadows, and even along stream banks, adding a touch of wild elegance to its surroundings.

What plants does it like to grow with? Leopard Lily is a sociable wildflower that often mingles seamlessly with other native plants and grasses. It forms captivating companionships with species like Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica), Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis), and Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), creating a tapestry of colors and textures in your garden.

What pollinator species are attracted to it? The distinctive, spotted blossoms of Leopard Lily are a true delight for pollinators, particularly butterflies and hummingbirds. These winged wonders are irresistibly drawn to its nectar-rich blooms, contributing to the vibrancy of local ecosystems.

Is it a host plant for any moths or butterflies? While Leopard Lily primarily serves as a nectar source for adult butterflies and moths, it also provides a charming resting spot for various species, enriching the ecological harmony of your garden.

What color are its flowers? Leopard Lily graces your garden with its unique, vibrant orange to red-spotted flowers. These eye-catching blooms add a splash of color and intrigue to the natural landscape.

How tall does it get? Leopard Lily is a graceful perennial that typically reaches heights of 2 to 6 feet, depending on its growing conditions. Its towering presence and captivating flowers make it a stunning focal point in gardens and landscapes.

When does it bloom and for how long? Leopard Lily typically bursts into bloom in mid to late summer, generally from July to August. Its flowering period can extend for several weeks, ensuring an extended season of beauty and pollinator support.

What type of soil does it like? Leopard Lily thrives in well-drained, moist soils, making it particularly well-suited for gardens with good moisture retention. Ensuring the right soil conditions will help nurture its growth and striking characteristics.

How much sunlight or shade does it need? Leopard Lily is a sun-loving plant that thrives in full sun to partial shade. It performs best when it receives at least 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Leopard Lily (Lilium pardalinum) is nature's spotted beauty, a testament to the wild elegance of North Carolina's native flora. Whether you're an enthusiast of native plants or simply wish to add a touch of vibrant orange and red to your garden, Leopard Lily is a captivating choice. Its distinctive appearance, adaptability, and ability to attract pollinators make it an exceptional addition to gardens and landscapes, enriching both your outdoor space and your appreciation for the wonders of native biodiversity.

Nature's Spotted Beauty

Native Plants

Where does it like to grow? Leopard Lily, scientifically known as Lilium pardalinum, is a striking native plant that thrives in the diverse landscapes of North Carolina. You'll often find it gracing the edges of woodlands, meadows, and even along stream banks, adding a touch of wild elegance to its surroundings.

What plants does it like to grow with? Leopard Lily is a sociable wildflower that often mingles seamlessly with other native plants and grasses. It forms captivating companionships with species like Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica), Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis), and Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), creating a tapestry of colors and textures in your garden.

What pollinator species are attracted to it? The distinctive, spotted blossoms of Leopard Lily are a true delight for pollinators, particularly butterflies and hummingbirds. These winged wonders are irresistibly drawn to its nectar-rich blooms, contributing to the vibrancy of local ecosystems.

Is it a host plant for any moths or butterflies? While Leopard Lily primarily serves as a nectar source for adult butterflies and moths, it also provides a charming resting spot for various species, enriching the ecological harmony of your garden.

What color are its flowers? Leopard Lily graces your garden with its unique, vibrant orange to red-spotted flowers. These eye-catching blooms add a splash of color and intrigue to the natural landscape.

How tall does it get? Leopard Lily is a graceful perennial that typically reaches heights of 2 to 6 feet, depending on its growing conditions. Its towering presence and captivating flowers make it a stunning focal point in gardens and landscapes.

When does it bloom and for how long? Leopard Lily typically bursts into bloom in mid to late summer, generally from July to August. Its flowering period can extend for several weeks, ensuring an extended season of beauty and pollinator support.

What type of soil does it like? Leopard Lily thrives in well-drained, moist soils, making it particularly well-suited for gardens with good moisture retention. Ensuring the right soil conditions will help nurture its growth and striking characteristics.

How much sunlight or shade does it need? Leopard Lily is a sun-loving plant that thrives in full sun to partial shade. It performs best when it receives at least 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Leopard Lily (Lilium pardalinum) is nature's spotted beauty, a testament to the wild elegance of North Carolina's native flora. Whether you're an enthusiast of native plants or simply wish to add a touch of vibrant orange and red to your garden, Leopard Lily is a captivating choice. Its distinctive appearance, adaptability, and ability to attract pollinators make it an exceptional addition to gardens and landscapes, enriching both your outdoor space and your appreciation for the wonders of native biodiversity.