Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum)



Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) is not only a stunning addition to your garden but also a valuable medicinal herb. Its ability to attract pollinators and thrive in wetland environments makes it an essential choice for those looking to enhance the ecological diversity of their landscapes. Whether you're creating a rain garden or simply want to support local wildlife, Boneset is a superb choice for both aesthetics and ecological significance.

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Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) is not only a stunning addition to your garden but also a valuable medicinal herb. Its ability to attract pollinators and thrive in wetland environments makes it an essential choice for those looking to enhance the ecological diversity of their landscapes. Whether you're creating a rain garden or simply want to support local wildlife, Boneset is a superb choice for both aesthetics and ecological significance.


Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) is not only a stunning addition to your garden but also a valuable medicinal herb. Its ability to attract pollinators and thrive in wetland environments makes it an essential choice for those looking to enhance the ecological diversity of their landscapes. Whether you're creating a rain garden or simply want to support local wildlife, Boneset is a superb choice for both aesthetics and ecological significance.

Where does it like to grow?

Boneset, scientifically known as Eupatorium perfoliatum, is a remarkable native plant with a preference for damp and marshy habitats. You'll find it thriving along the edges of streams, ponds, and in low-lying areas, making it an excellent choice for water gardens and rain gardens.

What plants does it like to grow with?

Boneset often shares its habitat with other moisture-loving natives like Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium purpureum), Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica), and Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata). Together, they create a biodiverse oasis in wetland landscapes.

What pollinator species are attracted to it?

Boneset's clusters of small, white, and nectar-rich flowers are a haven for pollinators. Bees, butterflies, and various native insects flock to its blooms, making it a valuable asset for supporting local wildlife.

Is it a host plant for any moths or butterflies?

While Boneset primarily serves as a nectar source for adult butterflies, it doesn't act as a host plant for caterpillars. Instead, it offers a reliable pit-stop for these winged wonders during their foraging journeys.

What color are its flowers?

Boneset graces your garden with delicate clusters of fluffy, pure white flowers. These ethereal blossoms stand in striking contrast against the plant's sturdy, green stems, creating a visually captivating display.

How tall does it get?

Boneset is a statuesque perennial, reaching impressive heights of 3 to 4 feet. Its robust stature makes it a focal point in any wetland garden, adding both beauty and ecological value.

When does it bloom and for how long?

Boneset typically bursts into bloom in late summer to early fall, around August to September. Its flowering period lasts for several weeks, providing a late-season source of nectar for pollinators.

What type of soil does it like?

As a wetland native, Boneset thrives in consistently moist, even waterlogged soils. It's well-adapted to heavy clay, loam, or sandy soils with high water retention capacity.

How much sunlight or shade does it need?

Boneset is a versatile plant that can tolerate a range of light conditions, from full sun to partial shade. In the wild, it often thrives in open wetland areas with ample sunlight.