Balm, Moldavian (Dracocephalum moldavicum)


Nature's Tranquil Treasure

Medicinal Herbs

Where does it like to grow? Moldavian Balm, scientifically known as Dracocephalum moldavicum, is a captivating medicinal herb that thrives in North Carolina's diverse landscapes. It favors well-drained, sandy loam soils and is often found in sunny herb gardens, meadows, and open woodlands.

What plants does it like to grow with? Moldavian Balm complements a variety of other herbs and wildflowers, creating a harmonious and visually pleasing garden. It grows beautifully alongside herbs like Lavender (Lavandula spp.), Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), and Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis).

What pollinator species are attracted to it? The delicate blossoms of Moldavian Balm are a haven for pollinators, particularly bees and butterflies. These diligent insects visit its flowers, aiding in pollination and promoting the health of local ecosystems.

Is it a host plant for any moths or butterflies? Moldavian Balm primarily serves as a nectar source for adult butterflies and moths. While not a host plant, its presence in your garden can contribute to the overall well-being of pollinator populations.

What color is its flower? Moldavian Balm delights the senses with its charming lavender-blue to purple flowers. Their soothing hues add a touch of tranquility to the garden.

How tall does it get? Moldavian Balm is a relatively compact herbaceous perennial, typically reaching heights of 12 to 24 inches. Its tidy growth habit and fragrant foliage make it an excellent addition to both herb gardens and ornamental landscapes.

When does it bloom and for how long? Moldavian Balm typically graces us with its aromatic blooms in late spring to early summer, generally from May to June. The flowering period can extend for several weeks, allowing you to savor its fragrant beauty.

What type of soil does it like? Moldavian Balm thrives in well-drained, sandy loam soils with good moisture retention. Proper soil preparation is essential to support its growth and medicinal properties.

How much sunlight or shade does it need? Moldavian Balm is a sun-loving herb that thrives in full sun to partial shade. It performs best when it receives at least 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Moldavian Balm (Dracocephalum moldavicum) is a cherished herb for those seeking natural remedies and a touch of serenity in their gardens. Known for its potential to soothe and calm the senses, it invites you to embrace the healing power of nature. Whether you're a herbal enthusiast or someone looking to create a tranquil oasis, Moldavian Balm is a valuable addition to your herb garden and wellness journey.

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Nature's Tranquil Treasure

Medicinal Herbs

Where does it like to grow? Moldavian Balm, scientifically known as Dracocephalum moldavicum, is a captivating medicinal herb that thrives in North Carolina's diverse landscapes. It favors well-drained, sandy loam soils and is often found in sunny herb gardens, meadows, and open woodlands.

What plants does it like to grow with? Moldavian Balm complements a variety of other herbs and wildflowers, creating a harmonious and visually pleasing garden. It grows beautifully alongside herbs like Lavender (Lavandula spp.), Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), and Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis).

What pollinator species are attracted to it? The delicate blossoms of Moldavian Balm are a haven for pollinators, particularly bees and butterflies. These diligent insects visit its flowers, aiding in pollination and promoting the health of local ecosystems.

Is it a host plant for any moths or butterflies? Moldavian Balm primarily serves as a nectar source for adult butterflies and moths. While not a host plant, its presence in your garden can contribute to the overall well-being of pollinator populations.

What color is its flower? Moldavian Balm delights the senses with its charming lavender-blue to purple flowers. Their soothing hues add a touch of tranquility to the garden.

How tall does it get? Moldavian Balm is a relatively compact herbaceous perennial, typically reaching heights of 12 to 24 inches. Its tidy growth habit and fragrant foliage make it an excellent addition to both herb gardens and ornamental landscapes.

When does it bloom and for how long? Moldavian Balm typically graces us with its aromatic blooms in late spring to early summer, generally from May to June. The flowering period can extend for several weeks, allowing you to savor its fragrant beauty.

What type of soil does it like? Moldavian Balm thrives in well-drained, sandy loam soils with good moisture retention. Proper soil preparation is essential to support its growth and medicinal properties.

How much sunlight or shade does it need? Moldavian Balm is a sun-loving herb that thrives in full sun to partial shade. It performs best when it receives at least 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Moldavian Balm (Dracocephalum moldavicum) is a cherished herb for those seeking natural remedies and a touch of serenity in their gardens. Known for its potential to soothe and calm the senses, it invites you to embrace the healing power of nature. Whether you're a herbal enthusiast or someone looking to create a tranquil oasis, Moldavian Balm is a valuable addition to your herb garden and wellness journey.

Nature's Tranquil Treasure

Medicinal Herbs

Where does it like to grow? Moldavian Balm, scientifically known as Dracocephalum moldavicum, is a captivating medicinal herb that thrives in North Carolina's diverse landscapes. It favors well-drained, sandy loam soils and is often found in sunny herb gardens, meadows, and open woodlands.

What plants does it like to grow with? Moldavian Balm complements a variety of other herbs and wildflowers, creating a harmonious and visually pleasing garden. It grows beautifully alongside herbs like Lavender (Lavandula spp.), Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), and Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis).

What pollinator species are attracted to it? The delicate blossoms of Moldavian Balm are a haven for pollinators, particularly bees and butterflies. These diligent insects visit its flowers, aiding in pollination and promoting the health of local ecosystems.

Is it a host plant for any moths or butterflies? Moldavian Balm primarily serves as a nectar source for adult butterflies and moths. While not a host plant, its presence in your garden can contribute to the overall well-being of pollinator populations.

What color is its flower? Moldavian Balm delights the senses with its charming lavender-blue to purple flowers. Their soothing hues add a touch of tranquility to the garden.

How tall does it get? Moldavian Balm is a relatively compact herbaceous perennial, typically reaching heights of 12 to 24 inches. Its tidy growth habit and fragrant foliage make it an excellent addition to both herb gardens and ornamental landscapes.

When does it bloom and for how long? Moldavian Balm typically graces us with its aromatic blooms in late spring to early summer, generally from May to June. The flowering period can extend for several weeks, allowing you to savor its fragrant beauty.

What type of soil does it like? Moldavian Balm thrives in well-drained, sandy loam soils with good moisture retention. Proper soil preparation is essential to support its growth and medicinal properties.

How much sunlight or shade does it need? Moldavian Balm is a sun-loving herb that thrives in full sun to partial shade. It performs best when it receives at least 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Moldavian Balm (Dracocephalum moldavicum) is a cherished herb for those seeking natural remedies and a touch of serenity in their gardens. Known for its potential to soothe and calm the senses, it invites you to embrace the healing power of nature. Whether you're a herbal enthusiast or someone looking to create a tranquil oasis, Moldavian Balm is a valuable addition to your herb garden and wellness journey.